
Terms of Service

Thank you for your interest in our service!

Using or subscribing to our service is conditional upon the following terms, and by utilizing any of our services or consuming information on this site, you are indicating your agreement to all of the following: is a private journalistic publication. To avoid conflicts and compensation bias, we do not broker, sell or arrange mortgages or other financial products. Nor do we earn fees or indirect compensation for referring people to financial services providers.

Mortgage Logic ® is a registered trademark of Imaginative.Online Inc. This website operates on the newsletter platform using the domain. is edited in part by Robert McLister and owned by Imaginative.Online Inc. Contact us with questions anytime at

All information provided is intended to be objective general financial information and should not be considered personal mortgage or financial advice. All information and services are provided as-is with no assurances or warranties or any kind, implied or otherwise. You understand that all information on this website is subject to error and no claims or statements you come across should be relied on without your own ample and conclusive due diligence.

If you act on any provided information, please know that you do so at your own risk. As a visitor to this website, user of our services or subscriber to our commentaries, you agree to hold Imaginative.Online Inc.,, Rob McLister, and their affiliates and partners harmless from any and all claims, damages, and actions arising from or related to the content provided within. This includes but is not limited to any claims for damages arising from any decisions that you or others make based on such information.

If you see what appears to be advice in this publication, you agree that it may not apply to you, and you are hereby advised to first contact an appropriate financial professional to confirm that any related financial decision is fully suitable for you.

We are primarily journalists offering a newsletter publication as our primary service. You agree to not deem or rely on us, or any of our affiliates, as mortgage brokers, insurance agents or investment advisors, of which we are not. Nothing contained herein constitutes the solicitation of the purchase or sale of any securities, investments, insurance, mortgages or other financial products.

We do not claim to provide fully comprehensive information that factors in all lenders, all rates, all considerations, all risks, and/or all scenarios that may affect you or the value of our services. Nor will we accept or review your mortgage application or financial details. For mortgage, investment, financial, insurance, legal or tax advice you must instead contact a suitable licensed professional specializing in the counsel you require, and you hereby agree to do this whenever appropriate, as a condition of using our services.

We are required to disclose that past performance, future forecasts and opinions expressed by us may not be indicative of future results and acting on such information may result in financial loss.

We and our related parties frequently trade securities and may have a position long or short in any companies (stocks), bonds, currencies, commodities, futures, options or derivatives that we mention orally or in writing to you, the reader or customer. At times, our positions may be contradictory to the position we convey orally or in writing to you. You are advised not to rely on information we provide for any financial purpose and you accept this as a condition of consuming such information.

We will send emails typically up to five times per week.

We reserve the sole right to either modify or discontinue our newsletter and/or services, at any time with or without notice to you. We will not be liable to you or any third party should we exercise such right.

Any new features that augment or enhance the then-current services on this site shall also be subject to these Terms of Service.

We reserve the sole right to unsubscribe users / visitors from or newsletter service, without notice . We will do so with any subscriber who we deem registered with fake data, shared our paid newsletter, created business risk for us or otherwise violated our terms, or may do any of the foregoing in the future. If we terminate you as a paid or unpaid user of our service, you agree that our decision to do so is final and within our sole discretion, and that refunds will not be provided for any reason despite any termination of your access to the services.

Paid subscriptions include up to three Twitter or Facebook one-on-one direct messages to Robert McLister per month (per member), maximum 15 minutes per month total. In addition, one 15-minute phone consultation per calendar quarter is provided free of charge to paid members. No other form of communication is provided as part of this service. Written responses are provided by us, typically in 8 to 16 business hours or less. Business hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Time.

You understand that subscription to our paid service is optional and not mandatory, and that information in our paid service is intended for our private members only, not the public at large. As a condition of consuming of our content, you expressly agree to not hold us or our affiliates legally responsible for what you read on or any of its affiliated electronic publications and email bulletins. Offers and services provided by us are void where prohibited.

Information we provide may be our opinion only, or the opinion of a 3rd party, and is not guaranteed in any way for accuracy, factualness, completeness, timeliness, or anything else. You agree that any inaccuracies are unintentional on our part. As a consumer of our content, whether you are a paid or unpaid user, you indemnify and agree to not hold us liable for any of the following that we publish:

1. any opinions

2. inaccuracies

3. data, and

4. other information.

Furthermore, you and your company, if applicable, indemnify us if others hold us liable by way of your sharing our content with them.

If you are not 100% satisfied, we will happily refund 100% of your first month's subscription fee. For this money-backed guaranty, be sure to notify us of any cancellations or refund requests before 30 days from your first subscription payment. After 30 days of subscribing, refund requests are not honoured. No exceptions, please.

Outside the initial 30-day subscription period, all other cancellations must be performed by you online (not by email) by securely logging into your account page and clicking <Cancel Subscription!>. To ensure the security of your account, it is our policy not to cancel subscriptions based on emailed requests from email addresses unassociated with your membership. In such cases, we will instead refer you to the cancellation page.

Monthly and annual renewals are automated. You agree that refunds, or any payments to you from us, will never be for more than one month's subscription payment (up to $99). No partial or pro rata refunds will be provided after you have subscribed for 30 or more days, regardless of any failure to cancel on time. Pre-paid subscriptions are offered at a discount and are, therefore, final sale with no refund for any reason.

Refunds, if applicable, are provided via the original payment method or PayPal only. You agree that these refund policies apply in all cases, and there are no exceptions.

In the event of any claim against us, you agree that the sole remedy we are obligated to provide to you is a rebate of one month of fees ($99 plus HST)., its content, its statements and this website are owned and operated by, an Imaginative.Online Inc. holding, and are not affiliated with any other company. You agree not to hold any other party responsible for any claims or losses you may have as a result of using our services. does not solicit business in all jurisdictions, including but not limited to the province of Manitoba, Canada. Nor does it operate where prohibited.

You agree that all content on this website and on the website and emails are copyrighted and that we reserve all rights related to such content. That said, we have two different newsletters, and:

Sharing the unpaid newsletter is always appreciated.

Sharing the members-only paid newsletter is strictly prohibited with one exception: paying subscribers may share one excerpt from each newsletter each week, up to 100 words plus one image per week, as long as the sharing is private and the material is sourced to:"

Kindly note, you may not display, copy or otherwise paraphrase paid content on any other website or electronic medium without requesting and receiving our advanced written consent.

Sharing paid member's-only newsletter content in a manner other than the above exception is strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to, sharing within your own organization, given that paid content is restricted to the subscribing individual members only. Violation of this policy, including but not limited to copying, photographing, quoting or forwarding the paid email newsletter without our advanced written consent, will make you liable to us for a sharing fee, currently $2,000, payable from you to us within 10 days, and your subscription will be terminated immediately without refund. You understand and agree that this policy is necessary and reasonable to protect our livelihood and' business. Newsletter opens are tracked by email, IP, date/time and location, solely to enforce our rights herein.

Notwithstanding the above, sharing charts from the Mortgage Command Centre is permitted subject to the following rules:

  1. When sharing MLN charts and data, they must attributed to "" and linked to if shared online.​​​
  2. The following are not permitted:
    • sharing or publishing of raw data — other than the most recent values — on other websites
    • providing data access to non-MLN members
    • charging others for MLN data, directly or indirectly, without MLN's specific written consent
    • use of third-party data without the direct permission of that party
    • using MLN data, trade secrets or proprietary information to compete with MLN in any way.

Privacy policy: We take privacy seriously and will not communicate, sell or give away your email address and personal information unless required by law. You'll be able to unsubscribe, change your subscription settings or delete it altogether anytime. You and us mutually agree to hold all non-public communications between you and, including emails, private social media and all other written, audio and visual messages, confidential to the fullest extent permitted by law with one exception. reserves the right to respond publicly or privately, in any manner it chooses, to any communications from you or others that disparage the site or breach the terms of this agreement.

Should any provision of this Agreement be determined to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal for whatever reason, such provision(s) shall be null and void; provided, however, that the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be unaffected thereby and shall continue to be valid and enforceable.

These terms of service may change without notice and do not exclude any other conditions and terms we may outline in relation to our service. Users of this website agree to abide by the terms as they existed on this page at the time they signed up, unless replaced by new terms herein, in which case the latest terms above will apply to any ongoing use of this website.

Thank you for your support.

Last updated: October 14, 2024

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