
How Community Savings is Outgrowing Rivals

Forget Bay Street's stuffy suits - Community Savings is the biker gang of credit unions, roaring down the mortgage highway with advertised rates that'll make a banker's toupee fly off. We're talking the likes of 3.99% on a five-year fixed.

Given its aggressive pricing, it's not surprising that Community Savings is growing at a 10% annualized clip, 2.4 times the growth rate of credit unions overall.

To see what makes it tick, we spoke with Mike Schilling, President & CEO. He touched on:

  • Why/how the CU prices so aggressively
  • What drives fixed and variable discounts
  • The capital benefit of insured mortgages
  • Regulatory capital changes in B.C.
  • How credit unions like his haven't stress-tested switches for years
  • The lack of sophistication in policymaking for insurable mortgages
  • Pricing non-parity in his retail and broker channels
  • How consolidation hurts rural mortgage customers.

The video and transcript are below...

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